
Brook side – Your Coffee & Tea Gallery at Global Village

Brook side Coffee and Tea gallery at Global Village is a captivating showcase of the world’s most beloved beverages - coffee and tea, set against the backdrop of a diverse and culturally rich international fair.

As you enter, you will be greeted by a captivating display of coffee beans, each sourced from regions around the world such as Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Peru, Turkey, Uruguay, India etc. Yes, our coffee selection is a global journey of flavours and aromas.

Personalized Grinding: We take pride in customizing your coffee experience. When you place an order for your favourite regional coffee, our knowledgeable staffs will grind the coffee beans to your exact specifications. Whether you prefer a fine grind for espresso or a coarse grind for your French press, we have got you covered. The enticing scent of freshly ground beans fills the air as we prepare your order.

From the bold and robust Turkey coffee to the delicate and fragrant Moroccan mint tea, visitors can explore and taste a wide spectrum of flavours and aromas.

The Coffee and Tea gallery at Global village is a celebration of the global appeal of coffee and tea, inviting visitors to explore their rich heritage and contemporary influence while savouring their delightful flavours. It’s a must-visit for both connoisseurs and those looking to embark on a flavourful journey around the world.

Brookside Cafe is an one-stop-shop for premium Tea and Coffee products from all over the world. Packed and delivered at your door step.

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