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During our journeys across the Middle East, especially various emirates of the UAE, the intense craving of a memorable cup of tea was left unattended for years together. The tea offered at the multiple restaurants and cafeterias, never created that unforgettable first sip of a tea that nourished our senses.
Years and journeys passed on, during a vacation at a tea estate bungalow, while sipping a perfectly brewed tea amidst the view of tea leaves being freshly plucked and processed – the question arched across our minds – how we can enjoy this tantalizing fresh experience elsewhere other than this tea Estate?
And this, our journey of freshness paved its way from that tea estate bungalow to the land abroad. To ensure this stream of freshness we experienced, is felt by all the tea lovers across the world in their first sip, we named our dream as ‘LE BROOKE’ – which means “a small stream”.
And so, your journey of freshness begins….

Le Brooke Leaf --Kadak-- Tea - 5kg Pack

brook side cafe kadak tea

An exclusive wholesale package tailored to the Middle Eastern palate. This Assam Tea, meticulously blended and packaged in 5kg bags, boasts a bold and robust flavor profile, ideal for crafting the beloved Karak Tea, typically enjoyed with condensed or evaporated milk . Our Tea infused with condensed or evaporated milk, gives a typical middle east flavor for a perfect Kadak chai and can also use with other cow’s milk of your choice: full fat, low fat, Skimmed along with sweetener of your choice. Our blend can also be used to prepare Masala Tea once mixed with any of the aromatic herbs like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, clove, black pepper etc.
Over the course of the last four years, this exceptional blend has found its way into the hearts and cups of majority Hotels & Cafeterias across the UAE. Originally launched in the UAE, its popularity has transcended borders, now gracing cafeterias in Oman and Qatar, with plans underway for expansion into other Middle Eastern countries. Discover the essence of tradition and freshness with every sip of Le Brooke Kadak Tea - Hotel Blend.

Le Brooke Dust (Samovar) Tea 5kg Pack

brook side cafe samovar tea

Hailing from the southwestern region of India, Le Brooke Dust Tea is renowned for its distinct characteristics. With a smooth appearance, this tea transforms into a robust and dark reddish liquor when brewed, boasting a quicker infusion compared to leaf blends. Comprising only primary-grade teas, Le Brooke Dust Tea consistently delivers an authentic flavor, tailored exclusively for Middle East customers and retail shops alike. Our Le Brooke Dust Hotel Blend, thoughtfully packed in 5 kg bags, is ideal for preparing tea with fresh milk or traditional Samovar methods. This blend has set a trend in the Middle East market, with our brand, Le Brooke, leading the way in popularizing this unique offering.

Le Brooke Dip Tea -100 Tea Bags Hotel Blend

brook side cafe garden fresh tea

Experience the epitome of quality and convenience with Le Brooke Dip Tea, available in our 100 TB Hotel Blend packs. Immerse yourself in the richness of garden-fresh CTC black teas, expertly crafted into the ease of tea bags. These teas are meticulously handpicked from select plantations, guaranteeing the most exquisite taste, aroma, and flavor in every cup. Each serving is thoughtfully encased in a sealed envelope to preserve the utmost freshness. Unveil a new and delightful tea journey with Le Brooke Dip Tea, where excellence meets simplicity

Brookside Cafe is an one-stop-shop for premium Tea and Coffee products from all over the world. Packed and delivered at your door step.

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